Saturday, February 4, 2012

Birthday Blues

It's the eve of my 26th birthday.

My birthday has always been a big deal to me. My mom made each one special, so I've always had huge anticipation every year for my birthday. But each year that I age more and more into adulthood, with marriage and children filling my life, I realize that birthdays just aren't the same.

Several things in life are overshadowing my birthday this year, and honestly I'm bummed. Of course, I knew a while ago that my birthday was on a Sunday, which is the busiest day of the week for us since my husband's a pastor. Add also that it's the Superbowl which will be spent at a youth party I'll stay for half of because I have to come home to get the kids to bed. My husband is a week away from a missions trip he's taking to Africa, we just had an emotional week of making some difficult financial decisions, and our home is really chaotic right now with a newborn... Life is just happening... So there probably won't be any celebration tomorrow, and I'm pretty bummed.

I talked to a friend and my mom about it today, and it seems to be something that must be universal for moms? So now I find myself at a point where I'm trying to figure out how to lower my somewhat childish expectations for my birthday every year while still looking forward to it without being disappointed. This being an adult thing isn't always fun.

My mom said that for her birthday one year, she woke up early and went shopping for some new clothes as a treat for herself. So it just got me thinking about what things I could do every year to make it special...

But as I look at our crazy life, I realize that I have some pretty amazing gifts (besides my Kindle! Thanks, Babe!). Two beautiful children, an amazing husband, the Lord's constant provision and blessing, my salvation, and all the years of family memories to look forward to... Who can complain? I'm beyond thankful!

So tomorrow, I'll work to combat disappointment by seeing all the everyday things in my life as my birthday gifts. I will celebrate them! To recognize and celebrate a birthday is to celebrate a life... And my life is full to overflowing with gifts. I will celebrate my life by celebrating all that my life is filled with!

Now I'm off to make my birthday cake! ;)


jules said... [Reply]

Us moms can relate hunny. I told Chris when we got married a card and flowers is all I want for birthdays. It saves money and gives me something to dry and save. The cards all go in a memory box as a reminder of the amazing family in my life. Sometimes the little things are the biggest. Find what makes you happy simple as it is and stick to that as a new tradition. as the years go by it'll be something you look forward to. Happy birthday sweetheart. Enjoy your princess day to the max :)