Saturday, April 23, 2011

Freedom Walk & WAR Int'l Donation

We had an exciting evening Thursday night, joining over 65 others, walking a mile through Grand Rapids, in their second annual Freedom Walk.  We passed out fliers, to pedestrians, to raise awareness about domestic sex trafficking and listened to a speaker on this issue after the walk.  Over $4,000 was raised to help support The Hope Project, here in the West Michigan area.  Both MaryBeth and I met our fundraising goals.  Thank you to everyone that donated and prayed for us.  We loved putting our passion into action.

It was a perfect evening for walking!  We were so thankful to have some decent weather after experiencing snow most of this week!

We were so blessed to have our families with us as well, walking (or riding rather) the mile with us.  And thanks to our husbands for pushing those heavy strollers all through town!

Also, you hopefully remember the week of March 28th through April 2nd, we did quite a few features on Women At Risk International, and shared our hearts with you.  During that week, 20% of each Brother Sister Set was donated to support WAR Int'l.  We are sending in $36!   Thank you so much!  We are looking forward to and planning other fundraising events through our shop to support WAR Int'l, so be on a lookout for ways you can help in the future.


Anonymous said... [Reply]

This sounds like a great cause.