Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Allora Handmade Interview and Giveaway

We both love to read other creative womens' stories of helping their families financially by opening their own successful homemade shop. Here is a story I ran across today of Jessica from Allora Handmade, who makes beautiful rosette jewelry. She has such an inspiring story that really connects with both of our stories too! Gussy Sews did a 5-question interview with Jess today. Read it here. There's also a giveaway at the end so be sure to read the whole thing!

In other exciting news, The Blue Ladybug is now a sponsor on Gussy Sews! Woot Woot! Go to her blog and look for our button on the right hand side (scroll down). We are so excited to be working with Gussy the next few months! She's such an inspiring handmade business owner to both of us, plus she has cute ruffled accessories! Check out her blog and shop!

-Mary Beth